Category Archives: Other Things

Monopoly To Retire Thimble, No One Gives Single Shit

Famed board game company Hasbro has decided to retire the thimble from their somehow 82 year old game Monopoly and so far, absolutely no one has given a single shit.  “The thimble?  Who the hell picked that token anyway?”  said board game enthusiast Jacob Tally. 

Cape Talk #4: Mystique!!!

Mystique of the X-Men movies has been all over the news lately, and as sure as the sunrise, it’s time for me to have an opinion about it! Welcome to Cape Talk! The Solo Mystique Film No One Wants Bryan Singer is flapping his yap

Cape Talk #3: Scandals!!

WARNING: This article is just riddled with spoilers. If you haven’t read Captain America: Steve Rogers #1, Justice League #50, or DC Universe: Rebirth #1, then read at your own risk!!   Captain America and Bucky…More Than Just Pals? #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend Yeah, we all know his name. B U C K Y!

5 Comics You MUST Read Before Seeing Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 5, ending a spectacular spate of superhero-on-superhero action that started with season 2 of Daredevil on Netflix. The early reviews are positive, and I have that deep-down childlike kind of excitement. Make no mistake, it is good time to

The 8 Great Geek Tragedies

  I would never for a second forget how good we geeks have it right now. There’s more superhero movies coming out than we can shake a web at. We finally got the Deadpool movie and it’s as good we could have hoped for! The entire

Six Months of Geek Melee

On April 1 of this year, crowds gathered online as they anxiously awaited the launch of the highly anticipated new website, Geek Melee. “I took a sick day from work and just kept hitting refresh,” avid geek media enthusiast Hoxton Buckinghorn, Jr. recalled. “We all