Tag Archives: star wars

2016 Film Roundup

It is award season, and that means there are hundreds of “Best Films of 2016” lists smeared across the internet. Despite the saturation – I’ll throw my two cents into the mix. I’d like to do something different to try and spice up the listicle format.

Carrie Fisher: Not Our Madonna, But Our Friend

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that’s rocked the geekosphere, but just in case: Carrie Fisher, of Princess Leia fame, is dead at 60. Never as a kid watching The Empire Strikes Back in the family living room did I think for a moment

The 8 Great Geek Tragedies

  I would never for a second forget how good we geeks have it right now. There’s more superhero movies coming out than we can shake a web at. We finally got the Deadpool movie and it’s as good we could have hoped for! The entire

2015 Film Roundup

Film records were shattered in 2015. Well, financially speaking anyway. Several films that came out last year are in the top ten highest grossing films of all time. They include: Star Wars: The Force Awakens – currently the 3rd highest grossing film of all time, and

Twitter Erupts: Is ‘Force Awakens” Rey a Mary Sue?

Twitter, with its 140-character limit and many large personalities, is often a nexus of controversy. This weekend’s dust-up took place, probably unsurprisingly, over Star Wars.   What Is A Mary Sue It seems to have all started with Max Landis, writer of the movie Chronicle