DLC Culture: A Season Pass of Downloadable Crap

I set out to write a satirical article describing an announcement from EA stating they would place the Star Wars Battlefront DLC season passes for the next 10 years on sale preemptively, just in time for the holidays, without having any idea what the content

Bond Review Headline Pun-Off

A new Bond movie is out, and we all know what that means: lots and lots of crass, colorful Bond puns in the headlines! I made it my responsibility to seek these out and rate them on a scale of one to five completely arbitrary

Hasbro Studios Confirms Apocalypse: Four More Transformers Films Coming

At a recent MIP Junior, an annual trade show held in Cannes that focuses specifically on children’s television, Hasbro Studios President Stephen J. Davis announced that Satan himself would be returning to Earth accompanied by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Transformers films  5, 6,

Third Superhero Movies: A History of Badness

  Superman III. Batman Forever. Blade Trinity. X-Men 3. Spider-Man 3. What do these movies all have in common? That’s right: they’re terrible. Something seems to happen when a superhero movie series hits its third installment. Maybe they just run out of gas. Maybe that’s just when

Listen Hear: Titles, Menus, and Options, Oh My!

Video games have tons of working parts that go into making them all so amazing.  The story, the characters, the world, the graphics, the controls.  But there is often an element that a lot of people overlook.  An element that truly does bring to life

Six Months of Geek Melee

On April 1 of this year, crowds gathered online as they anxiously awaited the launch of the highly anticipated new website, Geek Melee. “I took a sick day from work and just kept hitting refresh,” avid geek media enthusiast Hoxton Buckinghorn, Jr. recalled. “We all

A.I. Artificial Intelligence: “Throw Me Over The Propeller”

I always heard this movie was Steven Spielberg trying to be Stanley Kubrick and falling flat on his face, so I admit I had some low expectations. I was anticipating something like Bicentennial Man, and at the movie’s very beginning (after all those fucking weird