All posts by David

The 8 Great Geek Tragedies

  I would never for a second forget how good we geeks have it right now. There’s more superhero movies coming out than we can shake a web at. We finally got the Deadpool movie and it’s as good we could have hoped for! The entire

GoldenEye 007: Broken Legacy

  In 1997, Nintendo released a movie tie-in video game two years late. It was a first-person shooter, which was then a genre dominated by gorey, adult titles like Doom and Duke Nukem, released on the family-friendly Nintendo 64. And consoles were the wrong platform to

RIP Alan Rickman: A Geek Icon

Yesterday nerds everywhere felt the full impact of Cinderella’s words, “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone.” Veteran of stage and screen Alan Rickman has passed away from cancer at the age of 69. And as I reflected on this (so soon after

The Blame Game: Metal Gear Solid V’s Ending

[WARNING: Spoilers ahead. If you haven’t finished Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, stop reading] In the few months since the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, the Internet has furiously investigated the situation surrounding the game’s disappointing ending. I don’t think

Twitter Erupts: Is ‘Force Awakens” Rey a Mary Sue?

Twitter, with its 140-character limit and many large personalities, is often a nexus of controversy. This weekend’s dust-up took place, probably unsurprisingly, over Star Wars.   What Is A Mary Sue It seems to have all started with Max Landis, writer of the movie Chronicle

Cape Talk: Everyone v Everyone

  On Batman v Superman Man of Steel is not a very good movie, as I’ve mentioned before. However, it did one thing very, very right: it gave Superman a proper Biblical knock-down struggle against an equally godlike opponent (finally washing from our mouths the

Bond Review Headline Pun-Off

A new Bond movie is out, and we all know what that means: lots and lots of crass, colorful Bond puns in the headlines! I made it my responsibility to seek these out and rate them on a scale of one to five completely arbitrary