All posts by David

3 Ways No One Cares You Don’t Like Pokémon Go

It had to happen. Whenever something achieves widespread popularity, then like a bouncy flower girl trailing the bridal party with a basket of dead bunnies, Internet grouches come along to dump on it. Smug counterculture hipsters, pursed-lip Baby Boomers, and self-righteous white knights can’t wait

Cape Talk #4: Mystique!!!

Mystique of the X-Men movies has been all over the news lately, and as sure as the sunrise, it’s time for me to have an opinion about it! Welcome to Cape Talk! The Solo Mystique Film No One Wants Bryan Singer is flapping his yap

“News”: Half-Life 3 and God We Are So Old Now

Seriously ancient grandpas watching the Gabe Newell composite interview video on Friday, which spliced together clips over a ten year period of the game guru’s comments on the long-developing Half-Life 2: Episode 3, reminisced about the Half-Life series from like a million years ago. ‘It was

Cape Talk #3: Scandals!!

WARNING: This article is just riddled with spoilers. If you haven’t read Captain America: Steve Rogers #1, Justice League #50, or DC Universe: Rebirth #1, then read at your own risk!!   Captain America and Bucky…More Than Just Pals? #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend Yeah, we all know his name. B U C K Y!

A Gamer’s Prayer for Good Movies

  God, I know we don’t talk much, what with me being an atheist who never gives a dollar to the hungry at the grocery store checkout. But we really need to talk. Since 1993, you’ve been smiting us humble gamers with abominable movies based

Gaming Party: Political News Update

  A Koopa Candidate King Bowser Koopa of the Koopa Troop threw his hat into the ring Thursday for the Gaming Party’s nomination. In a rousing speech, he promised to prevent Italians from entering World 8, sometimes known as “Dark Land,” claiming Italians were often