Power Rangers: It’s Actually Good! Seriously! I Know, Right??

If Michael Bay directed The Breakfast Club, you’d get the 2017 Power Rangers. And here’s what’s nuts: That’s actually a good thing. This is shallow fun done almost flawlessly. Warning: After this point there are light spoilers.  Here’s something else that’s kind of crazy to say: if

2016 Film Roundup

It is award season, and that means there are hundreds of “Best Films of 2016” lists smeared across the internet. Despite the saturation – I’ll throw my two cents into the mix. I’d like to do something different to try and spice up the listicle format.

Monopoly To Retire Thimble, No One Gives Single Shit

Famed board game company Hasbro has decided to retire the thimble from their somehow 82 year old game Monopoly and so far, absolutely no one has given a single shit.  “The thimble?  Who the hell picked that token anyway?”  said board game enthusiast Jacob Tally. 

Lore Roundup #3: Overwatch Part III

After raging at a Genji who insta-locked and refuses to switch, have you ever wondered, “I wonder what that asshole’s ninja’s backstory is?” No? Just me? Alright, well, I already wrote this whole article about him, as well as Pharah, Hanzo, and Torbjörn, so like me