Category Archives: Other Things

Max Fleischer Superman VS Dinosaur

  Words can’t describe how much I loved this Max Fleischer short, but it’s greatness demands I make a feeble attempt. I mean, first of all, Lois Lane’s sass is at yell-and-crush-your-Saiyan-Scouter-in-your-hand levels. Superman pulls her from right out the dinosaur’s mouth and when he

Console Wars: An Interview With Blake J. Harris

Console Wars, written by Blake J. Harris, is one of the most interesting pieces of non-fiction I have ever read.  The book tells the story of Nintendo and Sega and their fight for console supremacy during the 1990s.  However, Harris writes the book as though

Batman Origins: The New Reader’s Comics Guide

The 80’s were a golden time for Batman. His relevance had been slowly dropping off since the cancellation of his campy 60’s TV show, despite Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams’ beloved Bronze Age gothic overhaul in the comics. Then, like a bolt of lightning on